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 A Look to the northeastern edge of the plot for the convention center (Behind, Environmental Public Authority (EPA) building).
 A look at the border between the plot for the convention center and Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources (PAAF)
 View of the Persian Gulf from the plot for the convention center
 A top view to the north from the terrace of the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) building.
 Western view of the plot for the convention center from the KISR dock
 A look at the plot for the convention center from the terrace of KISR building
 A look at the inner part of the plot for the convention center
 View of the plot for the convention center (Behind, barracks of the Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources -PAAF)
 Seaside of the plot for the convention center
 A look at the KISR border and inner part of the plot for the convention center
 A look at the KISR dock from the plot of the convention center
 On-site view of the plot for the convention center
 A look at the northern neighbors of the plot for the convention center: PAAF and EPA
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the site plan